LINKS OF THE WEEK: Feb 12, 2024
Interesting stats on EVs and energy use in the US, developments in wind and tidal power, a plastic recycling microfactory, and an "unprecedented collapse" in EU fossil fuel generation.
Jane McGonigal's new book should be required reading for anyone who's worried, wary, or looking for reasons to be hopeful for what the future might bring.
Jane McGonigal is a world-renowned future forecaster and game designer who helps organizations and governments envision and prepare for the future. Her excellent and extremely readable new book gives people the tools to implement her future-envisioning process in their own lives and help shape the world we want to live in.
If you want to be able to more clearly visualize our possible future and prepare for the decades ahead, you need to read this book. I loved it so much and have bought multiple copies to give to friends.