LINKS OF THE WEEK: Feb 12, 2024
Interesting stats on EVs and energy use in the US, developments in wind and tidal power, a plastic recycling microfactory, and an "unprecedented collapse" in EU fossil fuel generation.
Insiders are calling it a "surprising about-face" for the tech giant.
The world burns and those responsible are getting more government money than EVER to keep inflicting harm on the planet. This is a problem that needs fixing ASAP.
Starting October, people will be able to claim between €6 and €25 of the cost of mending their clothes and shoes.
Remove the cars and the people will come – and hang out for hours.
Young people like this give me so much hope for the future.
Now they just have to build eleventy-billion miles of transmission lines to get everything connected.
Scientists and world leaders met last week for a second round of negotiations in Paris.
A new study finds the top 5 CO₂ emitting countries could be liable to pay $170 trillion in compensation for their role in causing climate change.
Every time I see or hear the word “degrowth,” I wince... 😬